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What Are the Risks of IV Sedation?

What Are the Risks of IV Sedation?

What Are the Risks of IV Sedation?

IV sedation is used for patients that suffer from dental anxiety, or for those that require a complicated dental procedure. IV sedation is an anesthetic drug that is injected into the veins. This method gives sedation dentists control to produce either moderate or deep sedation depending on the patient’s needs. IV sedation provides many benefits, and helps to keep patients calm and relaxed during their procedure.

Side Effects of IV Sedation

IV sedation can produce minor side effects such as nausea. When performed by a quality professional, IV sedation is completely safe. There are short term side effects that some patients may experience after their procedure. Typically, it takes between 24 to 48 hours for the medication to leave a patient’s system.

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Headaches
  • Dry mouth
  • Watery eyes
  • Partial or full memory loss during the procedure

The risks of complications with IV sedation are very low, and our team monitors our patients very closely throughout the procedure to ensure everything runs smoothly.

Risks of IV Sedation

  • Air enters the vein through the IV injection site.
  • Hematoma caused by blood leakage into the surrounding tissue near the IV injection site.
  • Extravascular injection or leakage of IV medication into surrounding tissue.
  • Intra-arterial injection where the IV enters an artery.
  • Respiratory depression or irregular breathing.

When IV sedation is done by a professional, the risks for complications are very low.

Interested in IV Sedation Near You?

If you are looking for a dentist near you, we can help! We have a network of experienced dentists which we refer patients to and set them up with appointments! Contact us today for more details.